Saturday, September 18, 2010

Elisabetta Canalis Brings George Clooney Home to the Folks

Nothing like spending a little time with mom and dad: This week brought George Clooney and girlfriend Elisabetta Canalis on a private jet from Milan to the airport of Alghero on the island of Sardinia – where an SUV took them, along with Canalis's father Casare and one of Clooney's bodyguards, to the small town of Trenuraghes, perched on the hills overlooking the coast and home to Elisabetta's parents.
Tresnuraghes (pop. 1,200) is Cesare Canalis's birthplace and where Elisabetta spent her first 18 years, before pursuing a modeling career in Milan. Cesare, a radiologist, and wife Bruna, a homemaker, live in the middle of town, in a three-bedroom, three-bathroom, two-story white house.Read more
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