Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Heidi Montag's Mather : I Can't Pay My Bills

Aside from her estranged relationship with Montag since February, the mother of three and her husband, Tim, also now face an immense financial hurdle. 
Timberlines, a popular restaurant featured on The Hills and owned by Egelhoff and her husband in Montag's hometown of Crested Butte, Colo., recently went out of business after a 21-year run

Borrowed Money

Egelhoff admits her family hit such a financial low that, at the end of last year, she even borrowed money from Montag. 

"The restaurant was struggling, and I was crying on the phone," Egelhoff recounts. "I fought it for so long, but finally, I said, 'Tax guys are on the way. It's $8,000.' Heidi very generously wired me a check that day. That kept the restaurant afloat for at least six months. It was so generous and helpful." 

Egelhoff has now gone from owning a restaurant and making appearances on The Hills to cleaning houses for a living. 

"The work is sporadic and competitive," Egelhoff says. "My work is not enough to pay the bills. We need other work immediately. [My son] Sky is eligible for free lunch at school and is proud to take advantage of it
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