Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lil Wayne: Out of Jail, Ready For Strip Clubs | Lil Wayne Release! Weezy’s Out of Jail! | Lil Wayne Out of Jail!

Troubled rapper Lil Wayne is set to walk out of New York City's infamous Rikers Island prison this morning after serving an eight months on a weapons charge.

As soon as Weezy's free, his friends are reportedly planning an "extravagant, elegant" evening of celebration, boozing and strippers to welcome him home.
The platinum-selling, billboard topping star pleaded guilty in 2009 to having a loaded gun on his tour bus. He started serving a one-year sentence in March.

He's expected to get out early due to time off for good behavior, despite "electronic contraband" that landed him in solitary confinement for the last month.

In an interview with MTV, Young Money records president Mack Maine said a party is being planned in Miami to help him readjust to life on the outside.

"It should be a lot of beautiful women, just ... beautiful scenery. We're going to just treat him like a king, like the royalty that he is and make him feel like we really missed him and welcome him back to the family," Maine told MTV.
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