Saturday, October 9, 2010

Toxic Sludge Could Spill Again | Hungary Government Warns

The verge is collapse on Saturday,the cracking wall of an industrial plant reservoir appeared on the verge.The Engineers were work to built a secound bridge.. and killed seven.

Residents of one nearby town were evacuated, others were ordered to be ready to evacuate, and everyone was bracing for a new onslaught of toxic material. Engineers feared a second wave could be even more toxic than the first because the sludge remaining in the reservoir was more concentrated.

If another wave comes, I was thinking of standing on top of the kitchen table," said Maria Gyori, a 79-year-old homemaker in the town of Devecser. Maybe the sludge won't go that high."Read more

Tag:Toxic Sludge Could Spill Again , Hungary Government Warns,Hungary Braces for More Toxic Sludge,

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