Big Brother Winner 2010 – Another series is over for Big Brother and its remaining fans, as the latest winner was announced.American reality television series Big Brother season 12 has been concluded with declaration winner name. Hayden Moss from Tempe, Arizona won the title of “Head of Household” competition by a vote of 4-3 and was awarded with $500,000 prize.
At the beginning of the 12 season of Big Brother, there were total thirteen houseguests entered in to the house where they were perceived by television viewers 24hours a day. In every week, someone from houseguests was evicted through remaining houseguestss votes until the winner is left. In the last episode, there were three members remained including Brigade, Enzo Palumbo, Hayden Moss plus Lane Elenburg.
In the second part of the HoH competition, a 32 years old insurance adjuste Enzo beat a 24 years old oil rig salesman Lane to argument with Hayden the third and in the final round of the HoH competition Hayden won the title of the “Final HOH” and Enzo was last evicted houseguest of the season.
The 24-year-old college student, Hayden Moss is shaggy-haired former baseball player from Tempe. He won the $500000 prize on the voyeuristic CBS reality TV show Big Brother. He got the 4-3 vote during the season. Now the Big Brother has sent back to houseguests in the real world. Julie exposed that Britney won the $25000 for America’s favorite player during the “Big Brother 12″ finale and she was chosen as America’s Player.
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