Friday, September 3, 2010

Apple Ping

Apple Ping is a latest model of ipod.The company sold around 250 million pings is the hotest news in world.It contain new technics like video player,music player and facebook can be easily.Most of device can't easily support the Facebook but it always different from others.

Ping, which was only launched this week, is a cross-between Facebook and Twitter, giving over 160 million iTunes users the ability to build networks of friends and musicians, and read comments by other fans.

Ping, which was only launched this week, is a cross-between Facebook and Twitter, giving over 160 million iTunes users the ability to build networks of friends and musicians, and read comments by other fans.

Facebook provides APIs for access, but requires larger users to negotiate agreements. Apple obviously plans to be a significant player, but couldn't get a deal together in time, citing Facebook's "onerous terms" as the barrier that caused the integration to be pulled after the launch said by

Video for ping celebration

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